business development coach » Easy ways To Use Growth Mindset For Professional Success
Easy ways To Use Growth Mindset For Professional Success

Easy ways To Use Growth Mindset For Professional Success

In today’s business environment, a growth mindset is essential for professional success. Being open to growth is a prerequisite for learning, developing creativity, and innovation, and I probably don’t need to say how important it is in achieving success.

The growth mindset is associated with the name of research psychologist Carol Dweck, whose philosophy encourages people to view failure as a teacher.

What is the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset?

In short, people who believe that their talent can be developed (with work, strategy) have an open mind. Those who think like this can achieve more. Those who think of talent as an innate ability, are less able to develop it and thus less able to achieve success, they are the ones with a fixed mindset.

Growth mindset practitioners are open to challenges and enjoy solving them. The successes of others inspire them, they accept criticism, and they desire to improve. They are ready to build their skills and abilities, they are looking for opportunities to do so.

Those with a fixed mindset, on the other hand, are afraid of challenges and try to avoid them. They give up easily and feel threatened by the success of others. They believe that persistence does not pay off, so it is easier to play success. It is characteristic of them that they do not accept criticism, so they are limited in their development.

In whatever field we work, openness brings us advantages. An open mindset can be developed and learned, but here too practice makes perfect.

How do you develop a growth mindset?

Instead of saying to yourself:

  • I’m not good at this
  • I can not do it
  • I can’t study
  • Better to stick with what I know
  • I’m giving up because it’s overpowering me.
  • I have a fixed option.
  • This is frustrating.
  • I am who I am

Say this:

  • I can do it
  • I want to try and I won’t give up
  • I want to explore new ideas
  • I believe in myself
  • I’ll only find out if I try
  • It’s okay to fail.
  • I can learn from my mistakes.
  • I don’t know yet, but it will work.

What else can you do to grow?

  1. Acknowledge imperfections.

Don’t hide weaknesses, you can’t change them until you accept them. Everyone has “flaws”, you shouldn’t be ashamed of them.

  1. See challenges as opportunities.

A challenge is an opportunity for improvement. As you move forward, these obstacles will seem smaller and smaller, but you will soon realize that there is nothing you cannot overcome.

  1. Try different learning techniques.

Everyone has a different learning method. Experiment with methods and channels, which one connects you best, and what makes the gears of your mind work.

  1. Replace the word “failure” with the word “lesson”.

Making a mistake or getting discouraged from steel is not a failure, but a lesson. All your previous experiences give you the knowledge and lay the foundation for your future success. There is no good or bad experience, the only experience that you can use in the future.

  1. Don’t wait for approval.

It doesn’t matter what other people think. Everyone goes their way, only we know what is good for us. Focus on yourself and how you can make the best of your current situation.

  1. Enjoy the process, not just the result.

If you don’t set expectations, you can’t fail. The goal should give direction, but the journey itself and every step of it can be a mini success. It’s okay if the process takes longer than you planned if we learn to enjoy it too.

  1. Develop a sense of purpose.

Don’t let circumstances interfere and dissuade you from your original vision. Keep what you promise yourself. This will also increase your self-confidence.

  1. Celebrate small successes.

By celebrating small successes, your activity becomes more valuable to you. You will learn how to be independent and thus become more and more courageous. Reward and praise yourself when you achieve something.

  1. Criticism should be constructive.

If you receive feedback, thank them and be grateful that they took the time and energy to share it with you. Of course, you have to know how to handle it in the right place and you don’t have to accept what everyone says, but it’s a good attitude if you use what you receive constructively.

  1. Hold a self-reflection.

Think about the choices you have in each situation. Why do you feel good or bad? What makes you relaxed, and satisfied, what causes discouragement or disappointment? If you assess these situations, you can change them later and improve by doing so.

  1. Perseverance is more important than talent.

Those who are diligent take it to more than those who are simply good at something but do not develop themselves.

  1. Use the term “equally”.

If you’re stuck on something, it’s much more motivating to say “it’s not working out yet” than “it’s just not working”.

  1. Learn from other people’s mistakes.

It’s not always good to watch others, but a

who is wise enough to learn from the mistakes of others. We often have similar weaknesses as other people. In such cases, it is worth keeping in mind what could be done better or differently.

  1. Always have a new goal.

Learning never ends. When you reach your goal, set a new one.

  1. Take time to develop.

Don’t expect everything to happen in one day. It’s all a matter of determination and practice. Don’t feel bad if it doesn’t go as fast as you expected, after all every step is progress.

  1. Be proud of your mindset

You can be proud of it if you think like this because it is a challenge in itself. It means that you are able or confident to solve anything that life brings. You constructively use the events, thus approaching your ideas. If you represent this way of thinking, you can make life easier for yourself and others.


I believe that the growth mindset itself consists of a series of constant daily decisions. You can constantly develop and improve it, but it is not a problem if it is not perfect. The current generation is learning this together, and previously our ancestors did not necessarily think of growth as survival, so it can be a great challenge to master.

At what stage do you think you are now in learning the growth mindset?

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